War: A Blot on Humanity

“War”,  a three letter word that is affected many, uncountable lives around the world. Wars have killed around 150 million to 1 billion people altogether. Now, that’s a big number. That much loss of lives is a blot on humanity.
War is an armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. The world history is full of Wars: civil wars, invasions and the world wars. War is not a joke. It changes an entire country or place. It changes the way people live and think.

Wars have immediate and long term consequences. And these consequences are deadly. They affect people’s lives in the worst way possible.
The most immediate consequence or result of a war is migration. Where there is war, there is migration. People start to flee the country just for the sake of their family’s safety. They fear that just like the other people, they will be captured and doomed to death.
Some people choose to migrate but this is not the case every time. During Wars people are mostly forced to leave a certain place and take refuge somewhere else. This is a state of being a Refugee. And we all are aware of today's Refugee crisis.
According to a study, in 2016, from an estimated pre-war population of 22 million the United Nations identified 13.5 million Syrians requiring human assistance, of which more than 6 million are internally displaced within Syria, around 5 million are refugees outside Syria.
When people migrate they have to leave everything behind, from their homes to their loved ones. Migrating from one place to another means you need to start your life from the starting, from zero. You need to look for adequate shelter, proper food and water. If you have children then look for proper education for them.
Millions of people have migrated just because they do not have peace where they live.

Wars not only destroy people’s lives but also affect the country.
When there is no peace in a country, there is no sustainable development in the country. The economy of the country drops. When there is a war going on more resources like food, water and clothes are needed for the soldiers. This causes shortage of resources. The food production is also affected causing famine in the country. That is why you mostly see the rationing system during the wars.
All in all, according to me war is a menace. It destroys generations upon generations. Armed wars are the worst way to solve a problem because lives are wasted, resources are wasted and countries are wasted.
We need to stop this because if we don’t end the war, the war will end us.
If you’ll just flip through the pages of history you’ll see the after effects and the consequences the wars have brought. It is not an easy task to rebuild a country.
The best way to prevent a war is to table talk. When problems can be talked out, why raise the weapons. Because Bertrand Russell once said and I quote:
“ War does  not determine who is right, but who is left”.


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