Why is Education Important?

What are the basic needs of a man living in this world? Some would say food, some would say shelter or maybe something to cover their bodies. But I say, education.
According to me or what I believe is that education is every human’s right from the moment they are born. In today’s world where there is competition in everything, from clothes to studies, there are still some people out there who are deprived of their basic right to get education.

Education is the ladder towards success, success of not only one person but of a community, civilization and a country. If education is not common in a country, there is no future of that country. Education simply does not teach one to add or subtract but it helps to run the day to day life of a human efficiently.
Why is Pakistan still behind from other countries, after 60 years of its creation? A simple answer: Lack of Education. Most of the population does not even have access to primary education.  In the rural areas, kids are born and are placed in the fields to work, to earn. People of Pakistan do not realise that if today’s youth is not polished then how will they help run the country tomorrow.
Ok, let’s just keep aside the undeveloped areas and top of commercial cities. Here, the educational system has also become commercial. If you want to educate your child in a good school, you need just one thing: a big bank balance . A common man can only dream of this.
There is lack of awareness among people, that how important education is. Education teaches one what's good for you and others. Education teaches equality,  unity and mutual respect for each other.
Let me tell you, how education is important in running a country. For example if a community is illiterate then they obviously wouldn’t now what’s good for the country and what’s not. They vote a corrupt politician in the National Elections just because he is popular among that community. So do you think that community is playing a good role in making the country better.
An illiterate would not even get a job and therefore be a failure. You see how education is linked with everything in life. Even the Quran says: Allah will not change the condition of a country until they change what is in themselves (13:11). So theoretically, everything is in your hands.

As a Pakistani citizen, I would never want Pakistan to be behind in any field and therefore want the people to know the importance of education. It’s your decision whether you go with the right or keep your eyes closed.


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