The Earth is Crying...

Humans have inhabited the Earth for hundreds and millions of years. As the period of inhabitation increases the more dirty the Earth is becoming.

Global warming and deforestation are just some few acts that are being carried out by humans to exploit the place they, themselves are living in. I guess we have forgotten that we still have not discovered a planet to accommodate the future generations. So, in my opinion destroying the one and only Planet with oxygen, in the universe is pretty dumb. And I guess pretty much time is needed before we start setting up cities on the red planet.
The Industrial Revolution came as a benefit for us so that our work could be easily done but it started to effect us in many other ways. With the revolution a new material started to produce: plastic. Yes, plastic is the material responsible for countless animal deaths and most importantly pollution.

We have excelled a lot since we first stepped foot on Earth, excelled this much that other races are near to extinction. Is this very right? Human beings have now become a threat for other beings. Well, now I think wouldn’t it be better if humans never really used their brains and we lived like our ancestors did in the Prehistoric times, at least the Earth would not be the way it is now.


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