Poverty: A Major Issue

Pakistan is a very big country. It is a country with several different cultures, several different languages and several different types of people.
These people are divided into groups or classes as you may say. These different classes have different lifestyles and different priorities.
My dear readers, the society is divided into four groups:
1. The High Class
2. The Middle Class  (generally consisting the common man)
3. The Lower Class
And the fourth class that lives below the poverty line and is often neglected.

Poverty is a well used term but many did not really know what poverty means. Poverty is the state of being poor, usually referred to bankruptcy, beggary or neediness. Poverty is a major issue in a society but people mostly ignore it. There is a line of poverty: above that line are the people who are poor but make enough living to fulfil their basic needs. And below that line of poverty are the people who are really helpless.
Money plays a vital role in our lives. In today's world money is everything. If you have money in your pockets, you can face any problem in the society. And that is the only thing which divides the people below the poverty line from the others.
Poverty gives birth to problems. One of their major problem is food. Food plays an integral part in one’s survival. When you do not have money, you do not have food. Many people cannot even afford to eat 2 times a day. These people are ready to do anything just to get good food. Good food is everybody's right but this becomes the ultimate desire for the poor people.

The list of problems doesn’t stop there. Poor and unhygienic living conditions leads to many diseases like malaria, asthma and even cancer. The poor does not have money for food, how will he pay for the treatment of these diseases.
A poor man will be ready to do anything just to solve this problems. He’ll do anything whether good or bad. This need causes the poor society to involve in criminal activities like stealing. They have no other option.
When people living below the poverty line, see that they are not being supported in any way. The try to take the wrong route in order to make money. This involves all criminal activities like stealing, smuggling and all the other sort.
There is no immediate way to eradicate or finish poverty in a country. But the best way to overcome this is to create jobs. Yes, jobs. Poverty is a state in which you do not have money. And most of the poor people you see are jobless. Jobs will create a way of earning money. When people will have money, they will not take the wrong route. More jobs will create more opportunities and thus, people will be able to change their lives.
We cannot leave everything for the government to do. We can also help these people because they are an equal part of our society. A community can raise funds, gather everyday items for them and help them every month. Individually you can help them by not wasting food. Food is the thing they need the most and wasting it will not bring them justice.
Just remember, if a country stands together to fight a problem, they will never fail!


  1. Dear Fizza your point is very much right but how will we provide jobs to the illiterate people,because you know to earn a good sum of money we need to have skills and education.however your point is very much related to the recent situation of Pakistan.


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